AMOS 50th Anniversary

Join us at the AMOS 50th Anniversary Celebration | Wednesday 21 September

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of AMOS, originally the ARPA Midcourse Observation Station, later Air Force Maui Optical Station, today the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site.  The acronym has changed, the people have changed, the facilities have changed, the mission has changed, but it’s always been associated with the state-of-the-art electro-optical assets atop Haleakala, and the staff that supported the research and operational missions of the US government. 

We will be celebrating this anniversary with a banquet held at the Wailea Marriott on Maui, in conjunction with the annual Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference, aka the AMOS Conference.  The banquet will be held to honor all of the folks who have contributed to the DoD presence on Maui over the years in support of surveillance of space and the associated missions, whether those individuals were military, civilian, or contractor.  

The early years of AMOS pre-date the internet and computer databases, so contact information for many AMOS alumni is not readily available.  If you have contact information for folks associated with AMOS from the distant past, particularly from the previous century, please pass this information along to them, or pass their contact information back to us and we will contact them.

Download AMOS 50th_Save the Date

Attend the Banquet!

Join us on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 at the Wailea Marriott, Aulani Ballroom from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Attire is business casual/cocktail.  Dinner fee is $125.00 and includes a t-shirt memento*.  Seating is limited.  Priority will be given to those with historical connection to AMOS.  


*A limited number of t-shirts will be printed.  Registrations received after August 22 may not be guaranteed choice of shirt size.

Call for Personal Stories, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs

In preparation for this anniversary, we are soliciting personal stories, newspaper clippings, photographs, and anything else that brings back memories of your time associated with AMOS that you would be willing to share with others with similar associations with AMOS.  We will then compile that material and make it available to AMOS alumni.  Even if you choose not to attend, you can still share your memories, and have access to what others have shared.

Send us your story, newspaper clipping, or photograph by September 1.  Email and reference “AMOS 50th” in the subject line.

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Sample Images

Purchase Memorabilia

We will have memorabilia available for purchase, depending on the demand.  This includes coins, mugs, aloha shirts, t-shirts, and jackets.  If not enough items of any one item are ordered, we will not place the order and your money will be refunded.  Details coming soon!

Contact us with any questions

AMOS Conference
Tel: 808-875-2318

Download the AMOS Overview

AMOS Overview