You can now submit your abstract for consideration for the 26th Annual AMOS Conference. The more than 150 technical papers offered as oral presentations or poster presentations are the core of the AMOS Conference, scheduled to take place September 16-19, 2025.
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The Program Committee has scheduled both oral and poster sessions, and abstracts of all papers are published in the same manner in the conference materials. Submitted abstracts must report new information and not previously published or presented at a national or international scientific meeting, unless there is a substantial update of data. If it is a requirement in your organization, the abstract should be cleared for public release prior to submission. Primary authors may submit up to two abstracts. Abstracts that appear to be marketing in scope will be rejected.
The AMOS Program Committee, comprising of the Technical Conference Chairs and the 2025 volunteer Session Chairs, reviews all submissions and selects those that best meet the scientific and technical standards of the conference.
We encourage submissions from international, undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at an accredited college or university. International and student participants will receive a reduced conference fee.
Proposals for special sessions, such as panels and invited oral presentations are also welcome. Please indicate your request in the comments field of the abstract form.
The 2025 AMOS Conference is an in-person event with virtual attendance options. All presenters must present in-person, except for poster presenters invited for pre-recorded virtual-only presentation in order to accommodate a greater technical body of work for the SSA/SDA community.
In collaboration with the Space Surveillance Committee of the American Astronautical Society (AAS), the AMOS Conference recognizes outstanding efforts in the field of Space Situational Awareness by presenting a series of awards at the close of the annual conference. Learn more about the Best Paper Award and Student Award.
The AMOS Conference, in conjunction with the American Astronautical Society, is delighted to provide participating authors the opportunity to be published in a special AMOS Conference issue of the Journal of Astronautical Sciences. Invitations to be peer-reviewed and considered for publication will be extended upon conclusion of the Conference. Learn more about this opportunity.
The information requested when submitting an abstract includes:
- Preferred Presentation Format
- Student Award Submission Indication
- Primary Topic
- Additional Related Topics, with option to add own (see list of suggested topics on this current page)
- Paper Title, as it should appear in the Conference Program and App
- Unclassified Abstract (500-1000 words), as it should appear in the Conference Program and App. We recommend that your abstract include the goal of your research, methodologies used, and expected outcomes, with applicability to the field of SSA/SDA in mind.
- Summary of Presentation (250 words or less), specifying the main point/outcome from your technical paper that you plan to present and why it matters to the SSA/SDA community.
- Keywords, for search purposes
- Confirmation of Novel Content
- Acknowledgement of Abstract Submission Policies
- Comments (optional)
March 3 | Abstract Deadline
Week of May 5 | Notification of Acceptance
May 15 | Author & Instructor Acceptance Deadline
June 20 | Presenter registration due
August 8 | Last Day to Update Abstract, Presenter Registration, Photo and Bio Deadline
August 15 | Student Award Technical Paper and Co-Author Statement Deadline*
August 29 | Technical Paper & Copyright Agreement Deadline
August 29 | Digital Poster & Pre-recorded Poster Presentation Video Deadline
September 9 | Oral Presentation Files Deadline
*Students wishing to apply for the student award must submit a co-author statement along with their technical paper by August 15.
Suggested submission topics related to SDA/SSA include and are not limited to:
- Adaptive Optics
- Astrodynamics
- Astronomy
- Atmospherics/Space Weather
- Big Data Analytics
- Cislunar SDA
- Conjunction/RPO
- Cyber Security for SDA
- Data Fusion
- Daylight Techniques for Satellite Characterization
- Debris Removal
- Dynamic Tasking
- GEO Satellite Characterization
- Imaging
- Instrumentation, Sensors, and Systems
- Integrating Diverse Data
- Laser Applications
- Machine Learning for SDA Applications
- Modeling
- Optical Systems
- Positioning, Navigation & Timing (PNT)
- Predictive Avoidance of Laser Illumination
- Satellite Characterization
- Small or Autonomous Telescope Systems
- Small Aperture, Wide Field of View Optical Systems
- Space-Based Assets
- Space Debris
- Space Environment
- Space Law
- Space Object Conjunction Assessment
- Space Policy
- Space Sustainability
- Space Traffic Management
Accepted authors consent to the following requirements:
- Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted. Failure to meet deadlines and requirements will jeopardize future acceptance.
- A primary author may submit a maximum of two abstracts. There is no limit to the number of times an author may be credited as a co-author. For individuals submitting more than one abstract, if both are accepted, a co-author must present one of the papers and be approved by the Conference Organizers in advance.
- All presenters (poster and oral) must submit a complete technical paper using the required template prior to the August 29 deadline. No paper and clearance mean no poster or podium presentation.
- Only one Designated Presenter is allowed per abstract/paper.
- The Designated Presenter must be the author or co-author and must be registered to attend the Conference by the Presenter Registration Deadline – June 20.
- The Designated Presenter must commit to presenting in-person if selected for oral or in-person poster presentation. Should an oral presenter’s or in-person poster presenter’s ability to present in-person change, the Conference Organizers must be notified immediately.
- Publication of Technical Paper in the AMOS Conference Proceedings: It is recommended that submissions requiring public release approval allow a minimum of 60-90 days for clearance. Authors are required to warrant to MEDB (the Conference Organizers) in advance of publication of the Proceedings that all necessary permissions and clearances have been obtained, and that submitting authors are authorized to transfer copyright of the paper to MEDB for publication in the Proceedings. If a presentation is not made by an author at the conference, then the technical paper shall be omitted from published proceedings.
- Oral presenters must submit final presentation files for Session Chair review by September 9. The Conference Technical Committee reserves the right to cancel a presentation if not received by the deadline.
- Poster presenters regardless of in-person or virtual acceptance must submit a 3-minute pre-recorded video presentation and digital poster by August 29.
- The Conference Technical Committee reserves the right to cancel a presentation if it does not meet the technical standard suggested by the original abstract on which it was accepted into the conference.
- Author notifications will be sent the week of May 5.
*Students wishing to apply for the student award must submit their completed manuscript and co-author statement by August 15, 2025.
Proposals are being solicited for half-day Short Courses to be presented at AMOS 2025 on Monday, Sep 15 (virtual courses) and Tuesday, Sep 16 (in-person courses). The short courses are intended to offer opportunities for participants to acquire an introductory knowledge on conference topics. Focus topics of broad interest from excellent instructors are encouraged. Short courses are solicited from all technical areas within SSA/SDA subject areas.
The information required when submitting a Short Course Proposal includes:
- Short Course Title
- Course Description (500 words or less as it should appear in the Conference Program and App)
- Course Outline (500 words or less)
- Brief Description of why your course should be presented at AMOS, highlighting the significance of the topic and the interest to the SSA/SDA community (250 words or less)
- Participant Requirements
- Preferred Course Format
- Acknowledgement of Short Course Submission Policies
- Comments (optional)
Short course instructors will be notified of their acceptance status the week of May 5, 2025. Instructors agree to the following terms when confirming acceptance:
- The submitting instructor and any co-instructors must register to attend the conference by June 20 — high demand in recent years has led to registration closing early. Secure your seat and the best rate.
- There must be a minimum of 10 registered participants by September 3 in order for your Short Course to take place.
- Should you be unable to deliver your scheduled Short Course, you will be expected to notify the Conference Organizers immediately. Your suggestion of a suitable replacement instructor, at no cost to the Conference, will be considered.
- A link to electronic files of handouts/notes to support your presentation as well as your finalized digital slide deck are due September 5. The URL will be circulated to registered attendees prior to your Short Course.
March 3 | Short Course Proposal Deadline
Week of May 5 | Notification of Short Course Acceptance
May 15 | Instructor Acceptance Deadline & Final Course Description Due
June 1 | Last Day to Edit Course Description
June 20 | Instructor Registration Deadline
September 3 | Registration Minimum of 10
September 5 | URL to Digital Handouts and Files Due
September 15 | Virtual Course Instruction
September 16 | In-person Course Instruction