
”The AMOS Conference kicks off with a number of Technical Short Courses in various SSA-related disciplines, preceding three days of plenary programming. Each day of the plenary program opens with a Keynote Address and SSA Policy Forum discussion followed by Technical Presentations covering a range of broad topical areas relating to Space Situational/Domain Awareness. Featured Presentations are incorporated throughout the multi-day program, with poster sessions and networking opportunities culminating the AMOS Conference experience.

View Detailed Agendaupdated July 24. Subject to change. (Scroll down the pdf document to see details of sessions) You may need to ‘refresh’ link page to view latest version.

2024 Program at a Glance

The three-day plenary program will be livestreamed in its entirety to the virtual conference platform, with on-demand playback available in 24-48 hours. Posters will be available in digital format this year and are accompanied by on-demand presentation videos. A select number of posters will be invited for in-person presentation during the evening poster sessions.

All registered attendees will be encouraged to visit the Virtual Poster Hall to review materials and interact with sponsors and poster presenters.

SUN Sep 15 – TUE Sep 17

EMER-GEN® Program (separate registration fee required)
On-site Registration 

MON Sep 16

Virtual Technical Short Courses (separate registration fee required)

TUE Sep 17

Exhibitor Load-in
In-person Technical Short Courses (separate registration fee required)
Welcome Reception

WED Sep 18

Conference Opening & Cultural Invocation
Opening Keynote Address | Lt. Gen. Philip A. Garrant
SSA Policy Forum | Sustainable Operations of Large Constellations: The Role of Orbital Carrying Capacity and Other Tools
Technical Session | Space Debris
Technical Session | SDA Systems & Instrumentation

Featured Presentation |
Future Space-based Logistics for SDA, Col. Jeremy Raley & Col. Joseph Roth
Technical Session | Machine Learning
Poster Session
 + Exhibit and Networking Reception 
Women & Allies in Space Domain Awareness

THU Sep 19

Keynote Address | Hiroshi Yamakawa, President, JAXA
SSA Policy Forum |  SSA in the Asia-Pacific: Where We Are, Where We Are Going
Technical Session | Astrodynamics
Technical Session | Conjunction/RPO
Featured Presentation |
Victus Nox: Tactically Responsive Space – Space Domain Awareness Mission, Andrew Chau; Lt Col Jason Altenhofen
Technical Session | Satellite Characterization
Technical Session | Space Domain Awareness

Poster Session + Exhibit and Networking Reception 

FRI Sep 20

Keynote Address | Pam Melroy,Deputy Administrator, NASA
SSA Policy Forum | Space Weather and SSA—What’s Needed Next?
Featured Presentation |
Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce
Technical Session | Space Based Assets
Student Space Exploration Day (Side-event)
Featured Presentation |Joint Commercial Operations (JCO) Introduction and Way Forward, Barbara Golf
Technical Session | Atmospherics & Space Weather
Technical Session | CisLunar for SDA

Featured Presentation | EMER-GEN® Outcomes
Conference Closing & Awards Ceremony
Pau Hana Reception


The exhibit venue is open throughout the conference serving as a locus for side discussions and pop-up meetings. The poster session on Wednesday and Thursday evenings is an opportunity for a select number of authors to present their work and have in-depth discussions with conference participants during a dedicated session. Poster display boards are arranged together with industry exhibits in a convivial setting with light refreshments to encourage interaction with the poster authors. 

Virtual Poster Hall


All posters are available in digital format this year and are accompanied by brief on-demand presentation videos in the virtual conference platform’s Poster Hall. Interact with poster presenters on discussion boards and via video chat during optional Office Hours.