The AMOS Conference team has been monitoring the COVID-19 on a state, national and global level, with specific interest on how it impacts the AMOS community. In these challenging times, we extend our thoughts and best wishes for your health and well-being.
With the AMOS Conference six (6) months away we are proceeding as planned while continuing to monitor the appropriate resources and advisories of any impact by COVID-19. While the team is working remotely from home we remain focused and available for you via email or phone.
We received a record number of abstracts for the 2020 AMOS Conference including 54 International from 15 countries (25% of total) and 30 from Students (the highest number to-date).
The student submissions will be considered for the Best Student Paper Award which provides travel assistance and conference registration. Students wishing to apply for this award must submit their completed manuscript and co-author statement by June 26, 2020.
For registration details go to