Technical Short Courses popular at AMOS

On Tuesday September 11th, seven technical short courses were taught by highly regarded industry experts in a variety of topics in the context of Space Situational Awareness. Over 150 AMOS and EMER-GEN attendees participated in the short courses which provide...
Record Attendance at 19th AMOS Conference

Record Attendance at 19th AMOS Conference

The 19th annual Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS), held on September 11-14, 2018 at the Wailea Beach Resort-Marriott, was the largest in its history. Organized and presented by Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB), AMOS...
AMOS 2018 Space Exploration Day

AMOS 2018 Space Exploration Day

On Friday, September 14th, in what has become a highly anticipated annual event at the AMOS Conference, MEDB hosted 150 Maui STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) students and 15 teachers during Space Exploration Day. The students experienced hands-on...