2016 Papers, Proceedings & Highlights

Revisit 2016 AMOS Conference with papers, proceedings, videos and highlights. You can see and download photos and videos at https://amostech.com/archives/2016-archive/  We are delighted to inform you that the 2016 Proceedings are completed and...

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AMOS 50th Anniversary Dinner

AMOS 50th Anniversary Dinner

An important milestone occurring on Maui this year at the 17th annual AMOS Conference. This year marks the 50th anniversary of AMOS, originally the ARPA Midcourse Observation Station, later Air Force Maui Optical Station, today the Air Force Maui...

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AMOS2016 is in the News, the ‘Space News’ that is

AMOS2016 is in the News, the ‘Space News’ that is

Sept 13, 2016 - Senior Staff Writer for Space News, Mike Gruss, will moderate discussions with keynote speakers, Maj. Gen. David D. Thompson (Vice Commander, Air Force Space Command) and Mr. Douglas L. Loverro (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense...

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