2021 SSA Data Operators Workshop

The rapid emergence of large Low Earth Orbit constellations (LLC) over the last two years increases the urgency to make progress in the top priority areas the workshop identified in previous years for improving international SSA/STM operations....

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2021 AMOS Conference highlights

2021 AMOS Conference highlights

View Highlight Summary The 22nd, and first hybrid, Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference returned to Maui in September to help foster important dialogue and international collaboration on the current space...

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Astronaut speaks to Hawaii STEM students

Astronaut speaks to Hawaii STEM students

This year, Student Space Day went virtual with guest speaker NASA Astronaut Col. Michael Hopkins, United States Space Force. Presented by MEDB’s STEMworks™ Program in parallel with the last day of the AMOS Conference, the popular event for Hawaii’s...

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2021 EMER-GEN® Inspires Space Careers

2021 EMER-GEN® Inspires Space Careers

The 4th annual EMER-GEN® Program returned to Maui September 12-14 with young professionals and students pursuing space careers excited to meet once again in-person after a year of virtual. A joint initiative of the Advanced Maui Optical and Space...

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AMOS Conference in the News

AMOS Conference in the News

A look at news and discussions that came out of the 22nd AMOS Conference, September 14-17 including SpaceNews and Breaking Defense. The Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies(AMOS) Conference is the premier technical conference...

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