The program for the 24th AMOS Conference is taking shape with speakers announced for the three-day program to be held on Maui, September 19-22, 2023. Presented by Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB), the conference blends policy with technical sessions; keynotes and invited talks with poster and oral presentations; and exhibits with networking sessions.
General B. Chance Saltzman will give the opening Keynote on Day 1 of the AMOS Conference. The Chief of Space Operations, United States Space Force is responsible for the organization, training and equipping of all organic and assigned space forces serving in the United States and overseas. As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he serves as a military adviser to the Secretary of Defense, National Security Council, and the President.
Gen. Saltzman has operational experience with missile and space systems, as a Minuteman III launch officer, and as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office. He also served as the first Chief of Combat Plans for the Joint Space Operations Center, and later, as Chief of Combat Operations. Before serving in his current assignment, Gen. Saltzman was the Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, United States Space Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
Day two of the conference will start with a keynote presentation by Diane Howard, Director, Commercial Space Policy, National Space Council (invited). Diane’s prior public service was as Former Chief Counsel for Space Commerce at the Department of Commerce. In both roles, she was and is pivotal in the implementation of the 2018 U.S. Space Traffic Management Policy and development of a national space supervision framework.
Diane participated in the UN COPUOS Long Term Sustainability work as a private sector advisor to the U.S. Department of State. She served as Executive Secretary and then Vice President of the International Institute of Space Law for multiple terms.
“The AMOS Conference continues to attract participation of the highest caliber with the increasing focus in space domain awareness,” said Sandy Ryan, Conference Director, MEDB. “The keynotes provide different perspectives and set the stage for the discussions that follow on and off the stage.”

General. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, U.S. Space Force, is the opening Keynote for the 2023 AMOS Conference

Diane Howard, Director, Commercial Space Policy, National Space Council will speak on Day 2 of the AMOS Conference
SSA Policy Forum
Each of the day’s keynotes will be followed by the SSA Policy Forum that explores international issues related to Space Situational/Domain Awareness. Coordinated in collaboration with Secure World Foundation, the forum brings together the developers and implementers of SSA capabilities and the architects of SSA policy to engage in a panel format.
On Day 1 the topic is “Evolution of the Commercial SSA Data Market.” There has been significant growth over the last several years in commercial SSA providers, data products, and services, but there are still many open questions about where the market is headed. This panel will discuss how the commercial SSA sector is evolving and what the challenges are for future growth, including identifying customers and standards for data sharing as well as the balance between the role of the government and private sector in ensuring the safety of spaceflight activities.
On Day 2, the Policy Forum explores “U.S. Progress on Civil SSA and STM.” The United States continues to make progress on implementing SPD3, which outlined a path towards a space traffic management framework. This panel features representatives from multiple U.S. agencies involved in implementing SPD-3 to provide updates on what progress has been made so far and plans for the future.
On Day 3 panelists will discuss “Moving from Industry Best Practices to Space Traffic Management Rules.” Much has been said about the importance of developing industry best practices as the foundation for future space traffic management rules, and multiple different best practice initiatives have been published or announced. However, there is still the open question of how to combine these various proposals into a common set of standards that can serve as the foundation for space traffic management. This session will discuss how to assess the existing best practices and standards as a baseline for STM, existing gaps that still need to be covered, and how to move forward toward a common STM regime.
For more than 20 years, Maui’s AMOS Conference has been the nation’s leading technical conference on space domain awareness. Bringing together policymakers and experts from the private sector, academia, the military, and government agencies, the AMOS conference attracts papers and presentations from the world’s foremost scientists working in the near-space arena. The conference is hybrid with livestreaming of all oral presentations for those unable to travel to Maui. Virtual attendees have access to all presentations as well as online networking.
The AMOS Conference is preceded by the 6th Annual EMER-GEN® program, a professional development opportunity for students and young professionals enthusiastic about careers in space. The program features mentoring sessions with renowned space specialists, along with professional development sessions designed to enhance the young professionals’ effectiveness in a global environment.
Registration is open for both events. Learn more at