Updated September 11, 2023
As the AMOS Community continues to send their support and prayers in the aftermath of the Maui wildfires, conference organizers are finalizing preparations for the September 19-22 AMOS Conference. With many participating organizations asking how they can help during their stay; more will be known about what support will be needed closer to the week of AMOS.
Keynote speakers and SSA Policy Forum panelists are confirmed for an impressive start to each of the three days of the 24th annual AMOS Conference. General B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, U.S. Space Force will give the opening Keynote on Day 1 of the AMOS Conference.
General Saltzman’s remarks will be followed by the first of three SSA Policy Forums. A collaboration with Secure World Foundation, the SSA Policy Forum brings together the developers and implementers of SSA capabilities and the architects of SSA policy to discuss a landscape that is rapidly evolving.
On Day 1 an international panel will discuss the “Evolution of the Commercial SSA Data Market.” There has been significant growth over the last several years in commercial SSA providers, data products, and services, but there are still many open questions about where the market is headed. This panel will discuss how the commercial SSA sector is evolving and what the challenges are for future growth, including identifying customers and standards for data sharing as well as the balance between the role of the government and private sector in ensuring safety of spaceflight activities. Moderator Victoria Samson, Washington Office Director for Secure World Foundation will be joined by panelists, Shreyas Mirji, VP – Business and Strategy, Digitana; Mahhad Nayyer, Graduate Research Assistant, Purdue University; Kevin O’Connell, Principal, Space Economy Rising; and Melanie Stricklan, Founder & CEO, Slingshot Aerospace.

Pictured L. to R. Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation; Shreyas Mirji, Digitana; Mahhad Nayyer, Purdue University; Kevin O’Connell; and Audrey Schaffer, Slingshot Aerospace
Diane Howard, Director, Commercial Space Policy, National Space Council, will kick off Day 2 with a live virtual keynote presentation followed by “U.S. Progress on Civil SSA and STM,” the focus of Day 2’s Policy Forum. The United States continues to make progress on implementing SPD-3, which outlined a path towards a space traffic management framework. This panel features representatives from multiple U.S. agencies involved in implementing SPD-3 to provide updates on what progress has been made so far and plans for the future.
Jamie Morin, VP of Defense Systems Operations and Executive Director of the Center for Space Policy and Strategy, Aerospace Corporation, will moderate this panel featuring Travis Blake, Space Traffic Coordination Program Officer, NASA; Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, NOAA, Department of Commerce; Barbara Golf, Strategic Advisor for Space Domain Awareness, U.S. Space Force, and Travis Langster, Principal Director, Space and Missile Defense Policy, U.S. Department of Defense, who will join the panel virtually.

Pictured L. to R. Jamie Morin, Aerospace Corporation; Travis Blake, NASA; Richard DalBello, NOAA, Department of Commerce; Barbara Golf, U.S. Space Force; Travis Langster, U.S. Department of Defense
On Day 3, Brian Weeden, Director of Program Planning of Secure World Foundation will moderate a panel that will explore “Moving from Industry Best Practices to Space Traffic Management Rules.” Much has been said about the importance of developing industry best practices as the foundation for future space traffic management rules, and multiple different best practice initiatives have been published or announced. However, there is still the open question of how to combine these various proposals into a common set of standards that can serve as the foundation for space traffic management. This session will discuss how to assess the existing best practices and standards as a baseline for STM, existing gaps that still need to be covered, and how to move forward towards a common STM regime.
Weeden will be joined onstage by Jerome Barbier, Head of Outer Space, Digital, and Economic Issues, Paris Peace Forum; Mariel Borowitz, Associate Professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology; Daniel Oltrogge, Founder and Administrator, Space Safety Coalition; and David Goldstein, Principal Engineer, SpaceX.

Pictured L. to R. Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation; Jerome Barbier, Paris Peace Forum; Mariel Borowitz, Georgia Institute of Technology; Daniel Oltrogge, Space Safety Coalition; David Goldstein, SpaceX
For more than 20 years, Maui’s AMOS Conference has been the nation’s leading technical conference on space situational/domain awareness. Bringing together policymakers and experts from the private sector, academia, the military, and government agencies, the AMOS conference attracts papers and presentations from the world’s foremost scientists working in the near-space arena.
In addition to the keynotes and policy forums, the conference features technical sessions, exhibit and poster sessions, thirteen technical short courses plus invited talks. Presenters of the invited talks include Dr. Lindsay Millard, Principal Director for Space Technology, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering; Colonel Raj Agrawal, Commander, Space/Combat Delta 2; and Dr. Kelly Hammett, Director and Program Executive Officer for the Space Rapid Capabilities Office, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Colonel Jeremy Raley, Air Force Research Laboratory, and Colonel Joseph Roth, U.S. Space Force return to the AMOS stage to present “How AI/ML can Support SDA.” See the full agenda at https://amostech.com/2023-amos-program/
Presented by Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB), the AMOS Conference will be hybrid, offering livestreaming of all presentations. In-person registration has been sold out for months with many placing value on the numerous networking opportunities provided. In anticipation of numbers and limited seating, the conference will be streamed live to an overflow room and to the virtual platform and mobile app. Virtual tickets are still available providing access to all presentations as well as online networking and digital swag provided by sponsors.
The 2023 AMOS Conference is sponsored by Advanced Scientific Concepts, Advanced Space, Aerospace Corporation, Anduril, Astro Haven Enterprises, Astroscale, Ball Aerospace, Celestron, Charles River Analytics, Cloudstone Innovations, COMSPOC, Deloitte, Digantara, EO Solutions, ExoAnalytic Solutions, Frontgrade, General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems, GEOST, GMV, HartSci, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, Kayhan Space, KBR, Kratos, L3 Harris, LeoLabs, Linquest, Lipoa, Lockheed Martin, LSAS Tec, NEC Aerospace Systems, Northrop Grumman, Northstar, Orbital Composites, Peraton, Planewave Instruments, Raytheon, Rocket Communications, SAIC, SEAKR, Slingshot Aerospace, SpaceMap, SpaceNav, SpaceX, SpiderOak, Terran Orbital, The Boeing Company, TOPTICA Photonics, Transastra, USRA
Learn more at https://amostech.com/
The conference organizers are working with partners to create opportunities for those attending the AMOS Conference to support the recovery efforts, whether by donation or through volunteer efforts. Please visit mauinuistrong.info/support to donate or volunteer; makai.org for donation or partnership opportunities; or view medb.org for other resources to assist the recovery.